Nagatoro Wiki

"Going home with Nagatoro-san" (長瀞さんと帰宅, Nagatoro-san to kitaku) is the second issue of the Nagatoro-san webcomic.


Hayase Nagatoro found Hachiouji waiting for her, after telling him that he looked "creepier" than usual, she told him to put himself together and that she would head home, right before saying that she was only "kidding", and was there to wait for someone and not to look at her like an abandoned puppy.

After the boy asked her who she was waiting for, Nagatoro gave him two hints; it's her senpai and her boyfriend making him very happy right before crushing him again, pointing to that either way it was not "the disgusting person in front of her" at that very moment. She then presented him the correct answer showing him a picture of herself hugging a boy on her phone and telling Hachiouji it was her boyfriend Ichirō which she called "Senpai" due to be older than them both and having attended their same school. The girl described him as "very manly" stating that she was the one who took the initiative and confessed to him.

Admitting that the fact she called Ichirō "Senpai" like she did with Hachiouji, she told the latter that from that moment on she would call him "maggot-senpai" to differentiate him from her boyfriend. Seeing the boy shocked and on the verge on crying, Nagatoro started to torment him by showing off some more the picture of her and Ichirō commenting on how "lovey dove" they were. Seeing it, the boy exploded in a self-deprecating hysterical laugh.

After calling him an "idiot" for his reaction, Nagatoro reminded him that she never said the two of them were a couple but rather to consider him her toy to play with to kill time, explaining that she didn't need him anymore now that she had a proper boyfriend. She told him he was a fool to believe they were actually going out together and took some pictures of his crying face.

Then Ichirō arrived to pick Nagatoro up and politely asked if they were in the middle of something; Hachiouji was unable to answer, thus Nagatoro suggested them to walk away despite Ichirō being worried of the boy's condition.

Few seconds after having walked away, Nagatoro went back to Hachiouji and told him it was simply a prank and Ichirō was actually her big brother, then she properly introduced them causing the latter to reveal his sister had told him a lot about "her Senpai". Ichirō then apologized for how her sister acted sometimes and asked the boy to take good care of her in spite of it, then he scolded her sister for having used him for her "strange games" and to contact him if she didn't needed to be taken home.

After Ichirō walked away telling Nagatoro he would wait for her at home, she asked Hachiouji if he got scared, reassuring he was "her one and only Senpai". However, due to having reached breaking point for her prank, he was offended and refused to let her take his hand, warning the girl that she has gone too far.

Nagatoro apologized several times for having made him angry until, ultimately, he forgave her, taking her back. Then, the couple walked home together hand in hand.



  • Out of all five the webcomic issues, this is the only instance in which Hachiouji gets angry at Nagatoro for her behavior.
  • Ichirō Nagatoro's existence is canon in the manga as well, having been mentioned in Chapter 16, 18 and 73 as well as in the Official Fanbook. However he made his physical manga debut only in Chapter 93, with a different design and hairstyle.
    • Also, Chapter 118 revealed his first name to be Taiga, implying it was changed.


v  e
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro
Chapters 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148
Bonus 012345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
Side Stories 12345678910
Webcomic 12345
Crossovers Magical Sempai
Episodes Season 1 : 123456789101112
Season 2 : 123456789101112
Anime Extras 1234